Last updated on May 7th, 2021 at 05:46 am
City-owned market operator PD Pasar Jaya has conducted swab tests at 19 Markets in Jakarta. As a result, there were 52 market sellers who were positive for the coronavirus (Covid-19) in six markets in Jakarta.
Director of PD Pasar Jaya, Arief Nasrudin said, of the 19 markets as many as 1,418 sellers underwent swab tests. After the test results came out, it was found out that the positive sellers were in six markets. He confirmed the data from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which mentioned the market as one of the places where the coronavirus was spread. Because, during this pandemic, a market is a gathering place for people, which is not closed.
“A total of 52 people were exposed. The rest, 10 markets are still waiting for results, three markets were declared negative from checking [swab tests],” Arief said in a virtual discussion on Thursday, June 11.
The findings of 52 sellers in six DKI Jakarta markets positive that Covid-19 forced Perumda Pasar Jaya to sterilize and close 19 markets for 3 days. This is done to ensure that the virus dies before the market reopens.
“The first action we do is, like it or not, if there is a positive indication the market is closed for three days. To do the spraying and sterilization. If one day, at the beginning of thinking he feared the virus would not die, so we sterilized 3 days after the new operation again,” he explained.
In addition to spraying, Arief guarantees that the swab test and rapid test will be conducted for other markets outside the 19 closed markets. It is not impossible that the positive seller phenomenon Covid-19 is also found in other markets in Jakarta.
Odd-even method
After closing 19 markets in Jakarta due to the finding of 62 positive sellers from Covid-19, Pasar Jaya will also place restrictions on consumers. One of them is by applying odd-even methods to reduce the crowd.
“We apply odd-even numbered kiosks and regulate the traffic of consumers. And then use the face shield that we have prepared. Hopefully, this is part of the practice action to anticipate the spread of Covid-19 in the market,” he added.
The following 19 markets were closed while following up on the Covid-19 Test for sellers and spraying disinfectants:
1. Pasar Lontar
2. Pasar Gondangdia
3. Pasar Petojo Enclek
4. Pasar Serdang
5. Pasae Rawasari
6. Pasar Tomang Barat
7. Pasar Slipi
8. Pasar Cijantung
9. Pasar Ciracas
10. Pasar Palmeriam
11. Pasar Perumnas Klender
12. Pasar Pesanggrahan
13. Pasar Kebayoran Lama
14. Pasar Pondok Labu
15. Pasar Warung Buncit
16. Pasar Minggu
17. Pasar Lenteng Agung
18. Pasar Kelapa Gading 19. UPB Induk Kramat Jati