68 Indonesian Diamond Princess crews head to Sebaru for coronavirus observation

1 min read

Last updated on May 7th, 2021 at 06:07 am

Indonesian crew members of Diamond Princess cruise ship that onboard the Navy’s Dr. Soeharso-990 hospital ship during evacuation, now have been transferred to the place of observation, namely Sebaru Kecil Island in Jakarta’s Thousand Islands (Kepulauan Seribu). This was confirmed by Vice Admiral Yudo Margono. 

According to him, the distance from Dr. Soeharso hospital ship to the Sebaru Kecil island is 1.2 kilometers. 

“They are evacuated by 10 additional crews from the hospital ship,” said Yudo in a written statement on Friday, March 6.

Previously, the weather over Sebaru waters made it impossible for the 68 evacuees to be transferred to the island. Then, Yudo said the transfer was able to be held on Friday (6/3) and no significant hurdles during the transfer process.

However, there is one person that showed questionable blood test results. Yudo said that person will be taken to Jakarta to receive intensive medical treatment in an appointed hospital for coronavirus suspects and sufferers.

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