The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, said that the distribution of wage or salary subsidies goes smoothly.
According to data per 18 September 2020, a realization of stage I salary subsidy distribution has reached 2,484,429 people or 99.83 % of the total stage I recipients of 2.5 million people.
For phase II, the distribution has reached 2,980,346 people or 99.34 % of the total recipients, 3 million people. Meanwhile, stage III has reached 3,069,442 people or 87.70 % of the total of 3.5 million people.
“Thank God, the distribution of wage subsidies for workers has gone well. From the stage I to stage III, the distribution has reached 8,534,217 people or about 94.82 % of the total 9 million recipients,” said Ida, Tuesday, September 22.
For the fourth stage of salary subsidy assistance, Ida explained that she had received 2.8 million data on potential recipients from the Social Security Administrator for Health (BPJS Kesehatan).
Ida also reminded workers who are registered with the Social Security Administrator for Health and are included in the category of subsidy recipients to be careful when giving their account numbers to their employers.
“I encourage the workers or laborers who are recipients of salary subsidies to check their bank account numbers again. Because what we need is an active account so that the distribution is right on target. I also ask employers to actively communicate with their workers,” added Ida.
This is to avoid failed transfers due to closed accounts, passive and invalid status.
After the checklist is carried out, the data is then submitted to the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN). Then, the KPPN distributes stage IV salary subsidies to the Distributing Bank.
Salary subsidy assistance of 600,000 IDR per month is expected to reduce the burden, as well as be able to increase the economic power of workers during a pandemic.