The Coronation Crown of the British Royal family is actually worth P2.2 billion

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The Coronation Crown of the British Royal family is actually worth P2.2 billion

Salute to King Charles III, who has just assumed the role of Head of the Commonwealth, an organization that consists of 56 sovereign nations and is home to 2.4 billion people. Fourteen of these nations will recognize him as their chief executive and look to him for leadership.

Only after a date has been decided upon for the coronation can King Charles III be formally elevated to the position of monarch. However, given that it takes several months on average, it is possible that we will have to wait a little bit longer for it. It is possible that we remember that Queen Elizabeth II rose to the throne in February of 1952, although she was not crowned until June of 1953.

The crowning of King Edward VII in Westminster Abbey will be highlighted by the presentation of the St. Edward’s Crown. The event will mark the 40th time that a king has been crowned at that location. The legendary centerpiece of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom will be passed down to Charles, just as it was to his mother before him. Since the 1300s, the crown, which has been given the name Saint Edward the Confessor since it was historically used to crown rulers, has been in use. On the day of the coronation, however, it is the only time it is worn!

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Over the span of that time period, it has undergone a number of different restorations. Holy relics were actually used to make the first crown. The monarchy in England was overthrown during the English Civil War, which resulted in the destruction of the royal regalia. It would be repaired at a later time.

This iteration of the St. Edward’s Crown, which is now in use, was created expressly for the most recent Charles. Back in 1661, Charles II had it used to crown him as king. In the end, Queen Elizabeth II decided to use the image of a crown as a symbol for a variety of emblems that are used throughout the Commonwealth.

The crown is made of solid gold, making it quite a substantial accessory. It stands around 12 inches tall, has a diameter of approximately 12 inches, and is decorated with 444 precious and semi-precious stones. Among these are 345 rose-cut aquamarines, 37 white topazes, 27 tourmalines, and 12 rubies, among other varieties of precious stones. In addition to that, there are seven amethysts, six sapphires, and two jargons included with it.

The gold that was used to construct it is equivalent to approximately $100,000 in today’s market (roughly P5.7 million). If we are to consider the crown in its entirety, we can estimate that it is worth roughly $39 million, which is equivalent to approximately P2.2 billion.

The crown can be seen by visitors to the Tower of London in the room known as the Jewel House.

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