How Singapore is Reducing Homework and Promoting Playful Learning

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how singapore is reducing homework and promoting playful learning

Singapore’s education minister Ong Ye Kung has revealed that the country is reducing the amount of homework given to students, as part of a new curriculum that aims to foster creativity, curiosity, and collaboration.

In an interview with El País, Ong said that homework is no longer a measure of academic achievement, but rather a tool to reinforce learning and develop skills. He said that students will have more time for play, exploration, and discovery, which are essential for their well-being and development.

“We believe that play is part of learning. It helps students to express themselves, to be imaginative, to solve problems, and to interact with others. We want our students to be happy and confident learners who can thrive in the 21st century,” Ong said.

Ong also explained that the new curriculum will focus on four key areas: critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. He said that these skills will enable students to adapt to changing situations and challenges in life.

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“We want our students to be lifelong learners who can think critically, creatively, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others. We want them to be global citizens who can appreciate diversity and contribute positively to society,” Ong said.

The new curriculum will be implemented from 2024 onwards for primary school students (ages 6-11), and from 2025 onwards for secondary school students (ages 12-15). Ong said that the transition will be gradual and smooth, with support from teachers and parents.

“We are confident that our new curriculum will prepare our students for the future. We are proud of our education system in Singapore, which has been ranked among the best in the world by various international organizations. We hope that our new curriculum will continue to inspire excellence and innovation in education,” Ong said.

Load More By Jasmine C.
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