On Monday, the transfer of the Semarang Police Chief and the Senior Commissioner transfer became viral on social media. This transfer took place due to the fatal shooting against a student who was just 17 years old. It is also reported that an excess amount of force has been involved in the shooting by Inspector Robig and this led to the injuries of two students & death of GRO’s.
“We have upgraded Robig’s status as a suspect,” said Central Java Police Chief spokesperson Artanto.
The Senior Commissioner Irwan defended the actions of Robig that the firing broke out due to disperse the brawl but unfortunately it resulted in unexpected loss. But, it was seen as inconsistent in the further investigations of the National Police and they both were indicted for this fatal shooting and Robig Zaenudin has been named as a suspect. Commissioner Irwan is transferred to Head of Konprofpol Deputy of Community Service at STIK Lemdiklat Polri and the vacant Semarang Police Chief position will be filled by Police Commissioner M.Syahduddi. He had previously served as the West Jakarta Metro Police Chief. This new change is expected to bring new changes to the Central Java Regional Police.
“This mutation also aims to improve Polri services to the public” – Artanto