Current Conditions of Indonesian Citizens After 10 Days of Quarantine in Natuna

3 min read

Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 06:55 am

The quarantine process of 285 Indonesian citizens from China which was picked up by the government has entered its 10th day.

Commander of the Joint Regional Defense Command I (Pangkogabwilhan I) Admiral Yudo Margono who is also responsible for the observation and quarantine process, delivered the evaluation results of the Ministry of Health, the TNI and related agencies that all processes went without obstacles.

The location of the observation and quarantine was carried out at the Raden Sadjad Ranai Air Base Hangar, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands.
The 285 Indonesian citizens quarantined included 238 originating from Wuhan city which is known the center of the spread of the virus. Then, 5 people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 18 people from Batik Air and 24 people from the picking team.

The progress until this morning (11/2/2020), all Indonesian citizens were in healthy condition, as delivered by Yudo at Raden Sadjad Ranai Airport.
“Alhamdulillah, the results of today’s evaluation meeting are all in good health,” Yudo said.

Yudo said that this evaluation was always done every day to monitor the daily obstacles during the quarantine process.

Although admitted by Yudo, sometimes there were obstacles that occur such as the aircon off until the internet was suddenly cut off. However, Yudo added, that the disturbance was immediately followed up with the solution.

Other obstacles, such as the lack of availability of clean water had also been complained by Indonesian citizens to Yudo. That issue was immediately made the responsible team took action by increasing the supply of three water tanks from fire departments (Damkar) Lanud and Lanal.

To classify and provide comfort to all quarantine participants, the placement was divided into 3 hangars.

First, 238 citizens from Wuhan were placed in the UAV hangar. While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs team, Batik Air flight crew, and pick-up teams were respectively placed in the Prabu hangar and the Integration hangar.

“This is done so that 285 people who are quarantined feel more free, because if they are stacked together it will become a mudflow so it does not give a comfortable impression for them,” Yudo noted.

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