There’s something the nation is focusing on and it’s the restoration of the Bogor Botanical Garden Orchid Park that has been completed by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing to encourage the protection and restoration of orchid plant species beyond their natural environment, or ex situ.
The Bogor Botanical Garden Orchid Park will definitely properly add to the current facilities. As part of our rich biodiversity, it is also planned to increase the collection of plants, The Orchid Park at the Bogor Botanical Garden will certainly add to the existing facilities properly. It is also expected to increase the plant collection as part of our rich biodiversity.
The park continues to add to the aesthetic charm of the Bogor Botanical Garden and, in addition to enhancing air quality in urban areas, contributes to water and soil protection. It entails a main greenhouse covering an area of 6,813 square meters and a 1,560 square meter tissue culture laboratory.
Looking back, Dec 18, 2019, the renovation process begun. At a contract valuation of Rp35.9 billion, developer PT Kemang Bangun Persada carried out the building rearrangement work. PT Elsadai Servo Cons – PT Bintang Perkasa Sejati was responsible for construction management, while PT Saranabudi Prakarsaripta – PT Wahana Reka Tekindo were the architects.
Orchid Park development aligns with the five purposes of conservation, science, education, tourism, and environmental services of the botanical garden. The Ministry of PUPR, in cooperation with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, is currently overseeing botanical garden areas in many provinces in Indonesia in order to promote the protection of biodiversity. Currently, the central and regional governments are rearranging 12 botanical gardens that act as ex-situ conservation plants.
The renovation of four botanical gardens, specifically the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Cibinong, Eka Karya in Bali and Baturraden in Banyumas, Central Java Province, has been completed by the Ministry of PUPR.