Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 07:16 am
AEON Mall confirmed that two management employees of PT AMSL Indonesia (AEON Mall BSD City) were infected with Covid-19.
Juanita Rustandi, Senior Operations Manager of AEON Mall Indonesia said that the two employees who work in the administration section of the mall management at AEON Mall BSD City do not have direct contact with mall visitors.
After being confirmed positive, AEON Mall BSD City has made efforts to isolate the two employees and take measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Hendra Tarmizi, Spokesperson of Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 in Tangerang Regency, said that both of them were found to be infected with Covid-19 when they went to the hospital.
Based on the findings, the Tangerang Regency Covid-19 Handling Task Force carried out tracing of the patient’s family.
A total of 280 employees of AEON Mall BSD City have undergone the process of examining Covid-19 through a rapid test and the results are declared non-reactive for COVID-19.
“The results are all non-reactive,” Hendra said as quoted by TEMPO, Friday, August 7.
The 280 employees, said Hendra, were only a fraction of the 1,000 tenure employees who were the target of the rapid test. The rapid test, said Hendra, will be carried out in stages until Sunday, August 9, 2020. “If it is reactive, it will take for a swab test,” he said.
For the purposes of this rapid test, the Director of PT AEON Mall BSD City Indonesia Alphonzus Widjaja said he had prepared 1,000 rapid tests. “We provide rapid tests for 1000 tenant employees in need.”
AEON Mall BSD City also took preventive steps in the form of spraying disinfectants thoroughly at the mall management office.
Due to this case, AEON Mall BSD CITY will temporarily stop operating until August 13, 2020.