Malaysia – According to Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, the Ministry of Health (MOH) is improving the Covid-19 Clinical Care Pathway in order to introduce the most up-to-date antiviral medications to treat high-risk Covid-19 patients.
To prevent the virus from progressing, he said the antiviral medications will be given to early-stage individuals with minor symptoms.
Khairy said the antiviral therapy will include patients at health clinics, Covid-19 Assessment Centre (CAC), Covid-19 Treatment and Quarantine Centre (PKRC), and hospitals where the patients were hospitalized during a news briefing on Covid-19 developments recently
“After the supply of antiviral drugs is ready, this treatment will begin,” he said, adding that the MOH was finalizing the purchase of the drugs.
According to Khairy, roughly 32% of older persons, or one million, have yet to receive their booster vaccinations.
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“Seniors have an increased chance of contracting a serious Covid-19 infection. “A total of 18,362 or 57.32 percent of the 32,034 fatalities up to February 6 involved elderly adults,” he stated.
Unvaccinated people were nine times more likely to contract Covid-19 and 62 times more likely to die from it, according to daily data from Khairy, in comparison to fully vaccinated people or those who had gotten their booster shot.
Despite the fact that the country is now battling with the more highly infectious Omicron variant, he claimed the present rise in Covid-19 cases will not jeopardize the healthcare system.
“This is due in large part to a large percentage of the population being fully vaccinated.”
“We were able to “slow down” the emergence of the Omicron variety because of MOH’s preemptive intervention.” “The Omicron wave was being slowed by border constraints, like as the previous suspension of Umrah,” he noted.
Malaysia had 10,915 Covid-19 infections on October 2, the last time the country had more than 10,000 daily cases.