Last updated on May 7th, 2021 at 05:21 am
As the tourism sectors in the Southeast Asian region begins to slowly bounce back from the effect of the coronavirus pandemic, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) are actively discussing possible ways to support tourism throughout the region.
Cambodia’s Ministry of Tourism revealed that ASEAN member states via videoconferencing, through the Conference of Federation of ASEAN Travel Associations (Fata) discussed the possibility of reopening of borders in the region.
The conference touched on key basic policies that promote tourism between the ASEAN countries.
According to ministry’s director-general of Tourism Development and International Cooperation, Thong Rathsak, each countries presented policies and measures but the date for the reopening of borders remains unclear. Rathsak confirmed that Cambodia never closed its borders, but from March to June of this year, Cambodia experienced a 90% decrease in tourism. President of Cambodia Association of Travel Agents Chhay Sivlin majority of tour operators in the country have forced to close down their businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic.