Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 07:52 am
Bangkok Airways is cutting executive salaries, sending staff on unpaid leave and reducing the number of flights to cope with the downturn in business because of the spread of coronavirus disease.
“Due to the economic downturn and the outbreak of Covid-19 affecting various industries worldwide particularly the tourism and aviation sectors, Bangkok Airways has reviewed and adjusted its strategic plan in response to the current crises,” Bangkok Airways president Puttipong Prasarttong-Osoth said in a written announcement.
The cost-cutting measures would be implemented from Sunday and remain in effect until further notice. They included a reduction in the number of flights and cancellation of some routes, halving the salaries of the president, executive vice presidents and senior vice presidents of the airline, no salary increase this year for department heads, reduced benefits for all employees and leave without pay for 10-30 days for all staff.