Last updated on May 13th, 2021 at 05:59 am
It’s been the second week of enhanced community quarantine in the Philippines and every filipino are strictly advised to stay at home. This lockdown has caused people to spend their time watching the daily news about the status of coronavirus.
No wonder that this pandemic COVID-19 scares people. Some also succumbed to claiming misunderstandings which supposedly would help them avoid contracting it.
Through frequent obesrvations and studies, the clustering pneumonia cases of unknown etiology were registered in Wuhan, China, last December 2019. This marked the beginning of fear as it spreads worldwide. Surprisingly, COVID-19 has now reached 81 countries as of today.
But more than fear, looking for ways to prevent the virus is better than cure.
Let’s look at these basic preventive measures in dealing the virus:
Practice daily a thorough handwashing.
- Dry your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds of soap and water. It’s important to learn how to wash your hands properly, too. You can also use a hand sanitizer.
Observe good cough etiquette.
- Protect mouth and nose with a towel when coughing and sneezing. One should not forget to remove the cloth after using it and wash one’s palms with alcohol or hand sanitizer afterwards or clean with it. Cover the mouth and nose with a flexed forearm, in the case of this.
Stop rubbing noses, nose and mouth. - Hands that contact other areas are easily infected with the virus. If someone intend to touch some part of their face make sure their hands are cleaned first.
Maintain social space. - If possible, keep a distance of at least one meter (3 feet) away from other people, including the sick. A individual projections tiny droplets that may contain the virus as someone coughs or sneezes.
If someone is too close, it might causing the infection.
Carefully cook well raw beef, milk, or animal organs to prevent cross-contamination of uncooked foods. Make sure your meals are all well prepared.
Keeping a healthy lifestyle.
- Apart from a well-balanced diet and daily exercise, taking vitamins and dietary supplements to improve the immune system always pays off.
Consistency is the key to this kind of safety. May the people apply this daily and beat coronavirus effectively.