Last updated on May 7th, 2021 at 08:37 am
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan issued a regulation on the imposition of sanctions against violators of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) during the coronavirus pandemic. The regulation was stipulated in DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation (Pergub) No. 41 of 2020 concerning Imposition of Sanctions for Violating PSBB Implementation in Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in DKI Jakarta Province. This regulation was set on 30 April.
In this Pergub, the violation sanctions for citizens of Jakarta during the PSBB, ranging from the prohibition of gathering to private vehicle drivers. The sanctions applied also varied, from sanctions to reprimands, fines, to cranes.
In addition, one of the sanctions that is quite unique and enforced in this regulation is about sanctions through social work.
The following sanctions are for PSBB Jakarta violators:
1. Residents out of the home without masks get sanctions
Residents who leave without wearing masks will be subject to sanctions. Forms of sanctions ranging from reprimands to fines of Rp. 250,000.
2. Gather more than 5 people when PSBB subject to fines
The regulation also stipulates that residents who gather more than five people in public facilities are subject to reprimand to fines.
As for point 1 & 2 there are stages of sanctions for violators, namely:
a. administrative written warning,
b. social work in the form of cleaning public facilities by wearing a vest; or
c. administrative fines of at least Rp 100,000 and a maximum of Rp 250,000.
3. Violate the prohibition of worship at the house of worship in the Written Warning
Aside from sanctions not wearing masks and gather more than five people, residents who still worship at the house of worship will also receive a written warning.
4. Offices that remain open will be sealed up to a fine of IDR 10 Million
The Pergub also regulates sanctions and fines for companies that continue to employ their employees during PSBB. This rule also includes companies operating in 7 sectors that are excluded during PSBB, but for different things.
The rules for companies in the excluded sector concerning PSBB are related to the application of health protocols during the Corona pandemic. If they do not apply, there will be sanctions up to fine reaches Rp 50 million.
Not only that, but the Provincial Government also regulates restrictions on the implementation of learning in schools and / or educational institutions. The threat does not apply for fine, aka just a written warning.
There are also rules regarding restrictions on social and cultural activities during the PSBB. Violations of the implementation of all social and cultural activities are threatened with a maximum fine of Rp. 10 million.
5. Car and Motorcycle Drivers Violating PSBB Subject to Fines and Crane Sanctions
For private car drivers who carry more than half of their capacity or no motorbike are subject to a fine of up to tow.
The following are sanctions for drivers who carry more than half of their capacity and not wearing masks:
a. administrative fines of at least Rp.500,000 and a maximum of Rp1,000,000;
b. social work in the form of cleaning public facilities by wearing a vest; or
c. the act of towing into a vehicle storage facility provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.
Meanwhile, motorbike riders are also liable to sanctions when carrying passengers or not using motorbikes. Sanctions in the form of fines and cranes.
The following sanctions for motorcycle riders when carrying passengers or not wearing masks:
a. an administrative fine of no less than Rp 100,000 and a maximum of Rp 250,000;
b. social work in the form of cleaning public facilities by wearing a vest; or
c. the act of towing into a motorized vehicle storage facility provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.
Both cars and motorcycles will be towed by officers to the village or district. Drivers who are towed will be given written notice by the officer. If within 3×24 hours the car is not taken by the driver, the car will be stored at the DKI Transportation Agency.