Can Expats Call Malaysia Home The Lure of Low Living Costs and Political Stance

Malaysia is increasingly becoming a favored destination for expatriates, drawn by its low living costs and a political stance that resonates with many. Here’s an in-depth look at why expats are considering Malaysia as their new home:

Low Living Costs

Malaysia offers a cost-effective lifestyle, especially when compared to its neighboring countries. Cities like Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru rank significantly lower in living costs, making even Malaysia’s most expensive city, the capital, an affordable option for many.

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa

The MM2H visa program has been a significant pull factor. It offers long-term residency to foreigners, allowing them to live in Malaysia under certain financial conditions. However, recent changes have made the program more restrictive, raising the financial criteria for applicants.

Political Stance

Malaysia’s strong anti-Israel stance has been a particular draw for Muslim expatriates. The country’s support for Palestine and its visible pro-Palestinian sentiment provide a sense of alignment for those who share similar views.

Multicultural Environment

The nation’s large Muslim population and the fact that Islam is the state religion are also strong attractions. Malaysia’s multicultural environment offers a sense of community and belonging for expats from various backgrounds.

Challenges to Permanent Residency

Despite the attractions, expats face a tough road to permanent residency. The path to becoming a long-term resident involves navigating complex regulations and meeting stringent financial requirements.

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The Expat Experience

Expats in Malaysia often settle in vibrant cities like Kuala Lumpur or enjoy the relaxed island lifestyle in Penang. The country offers a blend of modern amenities and rich cultural experiences.

Personal Stories

The Saleh family from Canada is one such example of expatriates who moved to Malaysia, drawn by the country’s political stance and multicultural environment. They were motivated by Malaysia’s pro-Palestinian sentiment and the visible support for Palestine, which they found liberating and in stark contrast to the attitudes they observed in Canada.

Economic Impact

The influx of expatriates has had a positive impact on Malaysia’s economy, contributing to various sectors, including real estate, services, and retail. Expats often bring diverse skills and international experience, which can be beneficial for local businesses and the economy at large.

In conclusion, while Malaysia presents an appealing option for expats with its low living costs and welcoming political stance, the journey to calling it home involves significant consideration of the recent visa changes and long-term residency challenges.

Tags: Malaysia
Katherine S

1/4 German, 3/4 Malaysian. I write, follow and monitor closely political news happening in Malaysia, and other happening news in the ASEAN region. Newswriter for the best ASEAN news website - The Asian Affairs.

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