China’s Marriage Numbers Hit New Lows in 2024 – What It Means for the Population Crisis?

2 min read

China had a record low in marriage in 2024 as the number of couples registered for marriage decreased by 20% to 6.1 million, the lowest ever. The sharp drop has raised concerns over the country’s demographics as the government struggles to reverse a long term decline in birth rate and aging population.

Experts point to economic uncertainty, high childcare and education fees and social change as the main reasons for the decline. Despite the government promoting “love education” in universities and marriage promotion at the “right age” young people hold back.

A slow job market and increasing living costs only make them more reluctant to start a family. Demographer Yi Fuxian said the trend is very serious even during the COVID-19 pandemic marriage rate didn’t fall this far. The 6.1 million in 2024 is less than half of the 13.47 million in 2013, it’s a fundamental change in social values. While there was a slight increase in births due to the Year of the Dragon, China’s population still fell for the third year in a row.

Divorces also increased by 1.1%, indicating changing family dynamics. With 300 million people likely to retire in the next 10 years, China has a big demographic problem. If the marriage rate continues to decline it will have a severe impact on labor supply, economic growth and long term social stability. The authorities need to come up with more effective measures to persuade young couples to get married and have children.

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