Coronavirus Infections Grow Globally, Zero Cases in Indonesia So Far

9 min read

Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 06:36 am

Coronavirus that hits new high of infection and deaths in Wuhan city, China, Indonesia was still reporting no confirmed cases of coronavirus by Tuesday (28/1), although suspected cases continued to be recorded across the archipelago.

There are at least eight patients that was reported, two in Bandung, West Java, one in Sorong, West Papua, one in Sidoarjo, East Java and four in Central Java. On Tuesday, after being admitted to hospitals for suspected coronavirus infection, they are now still under observation.

Regarding tourists that come to Indonesia, at least 12 patients – mostly tourists from China, according to Indonesian authorities claimed that so far were clear of the coronavirus after being suspected of getting infected.

One of patient, WDZ (26), who was admitted to Raden Mattaher Hospital in Jambi on Saturday had been receiving treatment in the hospital’s isolation room as she showed signs of breathing difficulties and a fever. She was in Wuhan from December 20 to 27, 2019.

As informed by Medianto, one of two lung specialists on the case, if WDZ was in stable condition as of Monday. She was only suffering from a respiratory ailment. Her phlegm sample, Medianto said, would be sent to the Health Ministry’s laboratory.

Hospital has prepared an isoliation room that could hold up to three patients suspected. The patients would be have contracted the coronavirus for observation. This was told by Raden Mattaher Hospital service deputy director Dewi Lestari.

“We are only treating their clinical conditions,” Dewi said.

Jambi province was still free of coronavirus. Health Ministry expert staffer Kuwat Sri Hudoyo confirmed it on Tuesday. “Coronavirus is not our enemy. Our current enemy is information that makes the public anxious,” Kuwat said when he was in Jambi on Tuesday.

As of now, the new strain of coronavirus, which attack the person’s respiratory system has killed 107 people in China. Also, this virus has infected almost 4,500 people globally to date, according to the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Sciences and Engineering. For information, coronavirus as the virus bears similarities to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Meanwhile, Indonesia’s neighboring countries have reported confirmed coronavirus infection cases. According to information from Reuters, it was informed: Thailand reported eight, Australia and Singapore reported five each, Malaysia reported four, Vietnam two and Cambodia one.

In Sumatera, the province was still safe from coronavirus which it was informed by North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi on Tuesday.

People there was advised by Edy to remain calm and not to trust unverified news about the coronavirus. “People should not be worried. The government will provide prevention steps so we will not be infected by the deadly virus”, he said.

Then for the preventive action, the head of the North Sumatra Health Agency, Alwi Mujahit Hasibuan, said that the agency was currently focused on supervising foreigners in the province, especially for those people that coming from China. The agency using thermal scanners and microbolometers that can measure small particulates by detecting infrared radiation. With these two devices authorities, Alwi said, would be able to detect people that coming and are infected by the virus.

Move to Kalimantan, it was so far no indication that people are infected by coronavirus. Bahrullah, an official of the Tunin Taka Port health office (KKP) in Nunukan, North Kalimantan, said that no one who had entered the port had been detected or indicated having contracted the virus.

Thermal scanners were installed at port by authorities, so travellers that cross to and from Tawau city in Sabah, Malaysia would be detected. Anyone who has a body temperature of more than 37 degrees Celsius to be treated by health officers.

Similar procedures also applied at Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. International flight passengers must pass by a special area to be scanned using a thermal scanner.

“Inside the airplanes, passengers must file [health statement] forms and in the airport they must pass by a thermal scanner. If there is a suspect we will follow it up. Currently, the Kanunoso Djatibowo hospital is ready for that,” Balikpapan Health Agency head Andi Sri Juliarty said. During day of duty, all health workers were also required to wear N95 masks. This type of masks was important to protect their respiratory systems.

Balikpapan deputy mayor Rizal Effendi advised residents to refrain from going abroad in the meantime, especially to China. This preventive action was advsed because some countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Australia have also reported confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

Travel warning finally was issued by Indonesia government on Tuesday. This warning to prevent citizens intending to visit China’s Hubei province, where currently at least 13 cities, including Wuhan, are in lockdown as Chinese authorities attempt to contain the viral outbreak. Even though 243 Indonesian currently live in the quarantined zone, accor to the Foreign Ministry they all are in good condition. 

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