Last updated on May 11th, 2021 at 08:49 am
There is a substantial decline in crime rates, violations, and disruption of community order as well as the security situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was confirmed by National Police spokesman Sr Commissioner Asep Adi Saputra at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, on Thursday, April 9.
“The community order and security situation are, in general, conducive,” Saputra stated.
Saputra expounded, number of 4,197 crimes that took place in the 13th week, dropping to 3,743 in the 14th week. This indicates a decrease of 11.03 percent in crimes.
For violations, there were 301 in the 13th week, while 139 violations in the 14th week, thereby indicative of a 53.82-percent decrease.
Meanwhile, 69 incidents of disturbance of community order and security situation were recorded in the 13th week, and 45 in the 14th week, thereby registering a 34.78-percent drop in the crime rate.
“The community order and security situation at this time is highly conducive. Incidents of criminality, violations, and disturbance of community order and security situation significantly decreased,” he pointed out.
The Indonesian National Police also conducted a special police operation codenamed “Operation Safe Nusa Dua” to contain the spread of COVID-19. This was reinforced by the announcement of the Chief of National Police No. 2 III of 2020 on compliance with government policies in handling the spread of COVID-19.
“The operation aims to detect, prevent, handle, rehabilitate, enforce the law, and carry out police operational assistance, specifically oriented towards thwarting the spread of COVID-19,” Saputra emphasized.
By applying this compliance, people are prohibited from conducting social activities that attract throngs of people both in public places and the adjoining areas.
Jamu gendong
Meanwhile, jamu, traditional herbal drink in Indonesia, is enjoying rising popularity after the statement that saying drinking jamu could boost immune systems.
This was previously suggested by Airlangga University molecular biologist Chairul Anwar Nidom.
Quoting from The Jakarta Post, Narti, a jamu gendong vendor in the city has experienced a surge in demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Daily trash
The other news that happen during pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19), average tonnage of the city’s trash production had dropped since the city administration ordered people to ‘work from home’ or ‘stay home’. This was announced by the Jakarta Environment Agency announced on Thursday, April 9.
Head of the agency, Andono Warih, said the trash produced by city residents dropped 620 tons on a daily average.
“We compared the average daily trash production from March 1 to March 15 before the work from home order was imposed, to the data after from March 16 – March 31,” said Andono.
The drop in waste, according to him, is mainly due to the lack of outdoor activities from city residents. Also the ‘stay home’ order significantly reduced commercial waste which is trash from hotels, malls, restaurants, offices, and tourism sites. Previously, the Jakarta administration had imposed the social distancing protocol and ordered residents to stay home due to the outbreak since March. Then on Friday, April 10, the Jakarta administration is about to adopt a stricter policy in the large-scale social restriction (PSBB).