Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 10:33 am
In the midst of the anxiety of people with many cases of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, many people are also hoping for the presence of this virus vaccine soon.
In Indonesia, efforts to find a vaccine is being continued. There are two ways, through cooperation with other countries and purely by local researchers.
Covid-19 vaccine from a Chinese biopharmaceutical company, Sinovac Biotech, has arrived in Indonesia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has even submitted the vaccine to PT Bio Farma, a state-owned pharmaceutical company.
Through global cooperation, Indonesia is collaborating with two countries, namely China and South Korea. With China, Indonesia cooperates with Sinovac. While South Korea with Genexine.
The arrival of the Covid-19 vaccine from China was confirmed by the Acting Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah who said the vaccine had arrived in Indonesia on Sunday, July 19.
“That’s right, it arrived on Sunday. It has been submitted to Bio Farma,” Faizasyah said as quoted by Kompas.com, Monday, July 20.
PT Bio Farma President Director Honesti Basyir said the Covid-19 vaccine produced by Sinovac had passed phase I and II clinical trials last June.
The clinical trial found no severe side effects and produced an immune response in 743 volunteers.
The vaccine that has arrived in Indonesia is ready to enter phase III clinical trials. The vaccine will be further tested by PT Bio Farma in collaboration with Padjadjaran University and the Health Research and Development Agency.
“The transfer of Covid-19 vaccine production technology from Sinovac to Bio Farma was carried out during the third phase of clinical trials,” Honesti said in a press conference broadcast on YouTube’s Presidential Secretariat on Thursday, July 16.
In addition, Bio Farma will also have coordination with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).
If approved by BPOM, the vaccine is targeted to be used for emergencies starting in the first quarter of 2021.
Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto previously said that the vaccine from Sinovac would obtain a distribution permit in Indonesia in early 2021.
In addition to testing vaccines from Sinovac, Bio Farma also developing a local vaccine under a national consortium formed by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
In addition to Bio Farma, the national consortium consists of the Eijkman Institute, relevant ministries and institutions, and universities.
However, Honesti estimates that this local vaccine will only be available in the community in early or mid-2022.