KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) president Prof Datuk Dr Subramaniam Muniandy said today that the Covid-19 vaccine which will be expected to be released in the first quarter for next year is not for treating the infection but rather a prevention against the disease.
Dr Subramaniam added that when the vaccine was injected to a host, it would help increase the immunity of the body to fight the disease.
He added that the vaccine should be given to the doctors and nurses because they carry the biggest risk of being infected as they are the closest individual when dealing with patients who tested positive for Covid-19.
The MMA President said that the World Health Organisation (WHO) last week also announced that every country will get the vaccine. Once the vaccine becomes available, price will be high and the people will rely on the government’s fund to get vaccinated.
Loob Holding Sdn Bhd, a creator of leading lifestyle tea brand, Tealive, donated RM100,000 to help the frontliners in Sabah curb the spread of the Covid-19.
The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) currently has received RM4.5 million in donations in the form of medical equipments and cash of which, RM 3.5 million was donated for the use in Sabah. Malaysia currently has 38,189 cases with 26,380 and 279 deaths.
Related Article: https://www.theasianaffairs.com/malaysia/2020/10/06/malaysia-hits-record-high-432-new-covid-19-cases/