Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 06:49 am
In Davao Occidental a state of calamity was announced after the death toll of hogs in the municipality of Don Marcelino climbed to about 5,000 due to African Swine Fever (ASF).
In Malita and Jose Abad Santos ASF have affected 15 barangays.
The provincial government is planning, according to the report, to contain the ASF within the province.
It occurred in Barangay Lapuan, where 80 per cent of the area’s 900 pigs died,
Authorities are still investigating how ASF was introduced into the province.
In Davao City officials strictly prohibit the entry of Davao del Sur and Davao Occidental live pig products and pork products.
Because of this, the local government advised its residents to buy Davao City pork and refrain from feeding food waste to their hogs.