Last updated on May 7th, 2021 at 05:25 am
MANILA – Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte will be joining online on the virtual summit of leaders of the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) next week, Presidential spokesman Harry Roque confirmed yesterday.
Roque said that in due course, they will be publicizing the agenda of the different Asean meetings.
The ASEAN virtual meeting nextweek will be hosted by Vietnam after it was postponed in April because of the coronavirus pandemic. This is the second among ASEAN leaders since the COVID-19 crisis hits the region early this year.
Although Roque did not give additional information regarding the details of the meetings, he confirmed that the president will participate on the online virtual meeting.
Duterte previously attended several virtual meetings regarding the Covid-19 pandemic which was also participated by several countries including China, Japan and South Korea. The Southeast Asia region currently have 122,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19.
Related News: https://www.theasianaffairs.com/asean-news/2020/06/15/virtual-asean-summit-to-be-hosted-by-vietnam-on-june-26/