Indonesia – Indonesia will send 499 competitors to contend in 32 games out of 40 games challenged at the 31st Southeast Asian (SEA) Games whose initial function will happen on May 12, 2022, in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The contingent is surveyed to sack decorations from the 32 games at the biennial global game possibly. Some of them are incorporated as need sports in Indonesia’s public games accomplishment improvement plan called the Great Design of National Sports (DBON).
They are weightlifting, games, cycling, badminton, kayaking and paddling, karate, shooting, toxophilism, pencak silat, swimming, aerobatic, taekwondo, as well as wushu.
In the interim, Indonesia will contend in boxing, volleyball, bowling, chess, jujitsu, judo, tennis, marathon, sepak takraw, kickboxing, soccer, esports, fencing, b-ball, wrestling, jumping, vovinam, golf, and futsal at the 31st Hanoi SEA Games notwithstanding them not being incorporated as need sports.
Prior, Indonesia had simply wanted to dispatch 476 competitors to contend in 31 games. Regardless, with the unexpected number of competitors, the figure is lower than the all out number of competitors from different nations, like Vietnam, with 965 competitors; Thailand, 871 competitors; the Philippines, 656 competitors; and Malaysia, 612 competitors.
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As a matter of fact, practically all members of the 31st Hanoi SEA Games have decreased the quantity of their delegates. Notwithstanding, Indonesia is one of the nations with the biggest decrease since it just dispatches around 60% of the complete 837 competitors that had contended in the 2019 SEA Games in the Philippines.
Notwithstanding dispatching a seriously colossal number of competitors to contend in 56 games, Indonesia had completed fourth in the 2019 SEA Games award standings, with 72 gold, 84 silver, and 111 bronze decorations.
The global game was overwhelmed by Thailand and Vietnam over the most recent 10 years, as they generally figure out how to complete in the main three in the last decoration standings.
This is in spite of the way that in a few different boundaries, Indonesia positions over the two other Southeast Asian nations. For example, Indonesia’s area of 1.9 million square kilometers (km) is just multiple times greater than Thailand’s and multiple times bigger when contrasted with that of Vietnam.