The Squid Game franchise is becoming more and more popular across the globe each passing day. This thrilling South Korean series is based on prominent kids games, such as Red Light, Green Light and Dalgona.
The only tricky thing here is that players losing in a game are eliminated (quite literally!). Squid Game Season 1 dropped on Netflix back in 2021, becoming a global-hit quickly. The second season dropped on the platform just recently and is luring great attention too.
Attention, players. Squid Game Season 2 is the #1 show on Netflix in 92 countries.
— Netflix (@netflix) December 31, 2024
68 million views
The most views ever for a show in its first week
Already Netflix's seventh most popular non-English TV show
Squid Game Season 3? Coming 2025.
It has been confirmed that Squid Game Season 3 is releasing this year only. But there is a rumour floating around the highly anticipated series. It is that global superstar Leonardo DiCaprio is apparently joining the cast for a cameo.
Earlier reports suggested that DiCaprio had allegedly filmed a surprise cameo for Squid Game Season 3 under strict secrecy in 2024. But Netflix quickly debunked the rumour, stressing that the reports are completely false.