The Province of Isabela, which was recently hit by historic floods in the midst of the Ulysses typhoon strike, does not have adequate funds to screen people in coronavirus shelters.
Whatever capital the province does have, It will be diverted into improving its relief facilities and evacuation centers. The governor shared that now that there is no further rain, they should be better observed as being asked if minimum health requirements were being applied at emergency centers.
But for them, the main thing is to improve people’s immune systems since if their immune systems fail, they’re certainly going to be contaminated with COVID-19. In view of this, the Information from the National Catastrophe Risk Reduction and Management Board was last revised at 9 a.m. Consequentrly, A total of 21,324 people, or 4,872 families, who were forced to leave their homes in Isabela were reported as 1,890 people are in emergency centres, equal to 520 families.
The governor said three dead and two missing due to Ulysses had been reported by the province. Following the latest attacks by typhoons, Cagayan, Isabela and Marikina City are reportedly in a state of calamity.
The same NDRRMC situation report indicates that as a result of the typhoon threat, 283,656 people, or 70, 784 families, are staying in evacuation centers nationwide. During a simulated briefing, Presidential spokesman Harry Roque said those in shelters will be tested for the virus using antigen scans.
For this reason, He added that these assessments would be free and that before the recent series of typhoons that lashed the region, the government agreed on this strategy. He even warned, however that not everyone will be checked in emergency centres and that’s something frustrating for the people and the country knowing this will not assure their health safety.