Last updated on January 17th, 2021 at 03:41 am
Amidst the Struggle facing by the nation, It was never too late to look forward to the plans that will give proper order in the country, For this reason, Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi shared that her two diplomatic goals for 2021 will be national health security and democracy.
She highlighted that their priority is on meeting vaccine obligations through bilateral and multilateral alliances. The minister said this as she virtually delivered the 2021 Annual Statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
In addition to securing supplies of vaccines, Indonesia will prioritize improving public health sector science and knowledge transfer, as well as growing response and preparedness to counter future pandemics at national, regional, and global levels. Marsudi also emphasized the importance of growing foreign engagement in support of national health sectors, including medicinal raw materials, pharmaceuticals, and health instruments and facilities.
In its annual speech, the Foreign Minister also announced plans to turn Indonesia into one of the world’s leading manufacturers of personal protective equipment (PPEs) crucial to fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Two international licenses, ISO16603 and ISO16604, for manufacturing PPEs have been collected in Indonesia.
Last year, the Indonesian government signed several agreements with China’s bio-pharmaceutical firms and a UK-based vaccine manufacturer to secure vaccine supplies. Meanwhile, on a multilateral basis, Indonesia has joined the COVAX Facility, a global vaccine collaboration headed by GAVI, CEPI and the World Health Organisation, the minister added. Indonesia has received COVID-19 vaccine doses for 20 per cent of its overall population by joining COVAX, she said.
In her speech, Marsudi also referred to the contribution of Indonesia as a member of the Investors Council of CEPI and said she anticipated more opportunities for state-owned vaccine manufacturers Bio Farma (Persero) and CEPI to collaborate in the development of vaccines for global supply.
Moreover, Indonesia has called for the (COVID-19) vaccine as a public good and its equal, safe, and affordable access for all since the very beginning of the pandemic.