Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X is worried about the wave of homecomers from Jakarta. This is because the DKI Jakarta Province decided to pull the emergency brake back into implementing strict large-scale social restrictions (PSBB).
“We are worried that before the 14th, the Yogya residents in Jakarta might return,” said Sri Sultan HB X, Thursday, September 10.
The Yogyakarta government is wary of the worst impact that will occur in its region when Jakarta begins implementing PSBB starting Monday, September 14. The re-implementation of the PSBB, which was carried out by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, aims to reduce the number of COVID-19 spread in the capital city.
The Yogyakarta government’s concern is not without reason.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, before several regions implemented local lockdowns, there was a massive wave of homecoming to rural areas. This could lead to an increased potential for the spread of COVID-19
“Looking at previous experiences. As soon as Jakarta started the PSBB, people were not allowed to sell, go for a walk, rather than being unemployed in Jakarta, they chose to return to their home regions,” said Sri Sultan.
HB X has asked the Yogyakarta Special Region COVID-19 Task Force to anticipate the possibility of another wave of homecoming from Jakarta.
Deputy Mayor of Yogyakarta Heroe Poerwadi reminded people from Jakarta who want to enter Yogyakarta to get a certificate of free from COVID-19 first.
Heroe also said that the rule was never repealed.
“So far it has been like that (obliged to carry a COVID-19 free letter). But now it’s a bit slack,” he said.
Apart from having a COVID-19 free letter, homecomers from Jakarta must self-quarantine for 14 days.
“Because the current distribution is more dangerous because people are without symptoms (OTG). It is different from the beginning that we anticipated which was symptomatic, whereas at this time there were no symptoms,” said Heroe.