Malaysia – Even with the large-scale preventative efforts put into tackling the issue, both Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim and Environment and Water Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man must answer why people in the national capital experience periodic flash floods.
Despite the millions of ringgit granted, Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng chastised the two ministers, claiming that there has been very little public information on the flood prevention measures to date.
“On April 25, the City of Kuala Lumpur once again became the City of Mud, owing to the inability of the Ministry of Federal Territories and the Ministry of Environment and Water to handle the flash flood issue.
“Enough is enough! Last year’s flood in December was severe enough, but the recent flood was even worse. And the fact that it happened in less than four months raises worries among KLites,” Lim stated in a recent statement.
On April 25, severe rains in the afternoon, shortly before the evening rush hour, resulted in extensive flooding around Kuala Lumpur and heavy traffic gridlock on more than ten main roadways.
Even while severe rains aren’t deemed an environmental catastrophe, the flash floods that follow are, according to Lim, who is also the head of the DAP’s National Public Complaints Bureau.
“For this, we want Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, Minister of Federal Territories, and Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, Minister of Environment and Water, to explain to the flash flood victims why the two ministries have not been effective in preventing flash floods, if all flood mitigation projects have been completed,” he added.
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If development continues at its present rate, the flood issue will worsen, with KLites having to shoulder the damage, according to the Opposition legislator.
He emphasized that additional highrises aren’t what Kuala Lumpur needs, but rather sustainable development.
“Every time there is a strong rain lasting less than half an hour, KLites are already subjected to huge floods. Their automobiles will need extensive repairs. It will be necessary to clean up the homes.
“The loss of properties for each flood works out to be in the millions,” he added.