Philippines – The “Queen of all Media” Kris Aquino gave a report on her health status through an Instagram denying bits of gossip spreading on the web that she’s as of now dead. The actress additionally conceded that her condition has declined, writing in her social media post that since April, they figured out that her sickness is getting perilious.
In view of this, Kris affirmed she has three autoimmune system conditions: chronic spontaneous urticaria, immune system thyroiditis and vasculitis.
The actress additionally shared that she’s leaving the nation Tuesday, May 17, to additionally seek clinical medicines abroad. She added the medication that could fix her doesn’t have FDA endorsement here or in Singapore. In the last option some portion of her post, the entertainer asked netizens to quit sending disrepectful messages towards her children.
The actress has been updating the general public about her ailment, partaking in February that she expected to travel to the USA to preclude diabetes and malignant growth. In April, she shared she expected to take clinical therapies abroad for over a year however neglected to get clinical freedom for her movements because of hypertension.
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Right now, there were lots of bashing towards her condition but the actress asked the netizens to spare her children from the cruel criticisms because of her condition.