Unexpectefly, Malacañang declined to remark on the West Philippine Sea occurrence in which a Filipino vessel conveying a TV team was pursued by furnished Chinese boats. For this reason, it was concede to Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Department of National Defense which was declared by official representative Harry Roque as he dealt with the matter.
In one of the news groups was on board a non military personnel vessel bridging the West Philippine Sea close to Palawan on Thursday when a Chinese boat moved toward them prior to arriving at Ayungin Shoal.
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The Filipino vessel conveying the TV team chose to get back to Palawan, however the outfitted China Coast Guard transport sped up its speed and pursued them for about 60 minutes. In fact, The occurrence is among China’s most recent forceful activities in the West Philippine Sea.
The Philippines has effectively started recording every day discretionary fights over the proceeding with presence of the Chinese boats at Julian Felipe reef in the West Philippine Sea. In view of this, Malacañang highlighted that President Rodrigo Duterte needs the crack settled through tranquil methods, depending on the two countries’ nearby ties.
The US has cautioned China about what the Philippines and Taiwan see as progressively unfriendly moves, helping Beijing to remember Washington’s obligations to its accomplices.
Consequently, The State Department representative Ned Price told correspondents that an equipped attack on the Philippines’ military, public boats, or airplane anyplace in the Pacific, including the South China Sea, will actuate America’s commitments under the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.
They also share the worries of our Philippine partners with respect to the proceeded with detailed massing of PRC sea local army close to the Whitsun Reef or known as Julian Felipe Reef.
In excess of 200 Chinese boats were first spotted on March 7 at Whitsun Reef, around 320 kilometers west of Palawan Island in the challenged South China Sea, albeit many have since dispersed across the Spratly Islands.