Malaysia ex-minister Daim Zainuddin slams PM Anwar Ibrahim for abuse of power over corruption

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malaysia ex minister daim zainuddin slams pm anwar ibrahim for abuse of power over corruption

Former Malaysian finance minister Daim Zainuddin has accused Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim of abusing his power and launching a politically motivated corruption probe into his assets.

Daim, who was a close ally of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, said Anwar was using the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to target him and his family, after the agency seized his flagship property Ilham Tower in Kuala Lumpur last week.

The MACC said it was investigating Daim for alleged money laundering and corruption involving a corporate deal worth US$500 million in 1997 between Renong Bhd and United Engineers Malaysia Bhd (UEM), two companies that were linked to the former ruling party UMNO.

Daim, who served as finance minister from 1984 to 1991 and from 1999 to 2001, denied any wrongdoing and said he had nothing to do with the deal, which he claimed was a business transaction between independent entities.

He also said he had cooperated with the MACC and provided all the information and documents requested by the agency.

In a statement on Monday, Daim accused Anwar of orchestrating the probe to divert public attention from his own scandals and failures as the prime minister.

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He said Anwar had a personal vendetta against him, as he had exposed Anwar’s involvement in various corruption cases when he was the deputy prime minister and finance minister from 1993 to 1998.

Daim also said Anwar was trying to silence him from criticising his policies and performance, especially on the economy, which he said was in a dire state.

He said Anwar had failed to deliver on his promises to the people, such as lowering the cost of living, creating jobs, reforming the judiciary, and fighting corruption.

He said Anwar had also alienated his coalition partners and the royal institution, and had lost the trust and confidence of the people.

Daim urged the MACC to act independently and professionally, and not to be influenced by political pressure or interference.

He also called on the people to reject Anwar and his government, and to support the opposition parties that are working to form a new government.

He said he would continue to speak up for the truth and the interests of the nation, and would not be intimidated by Anwar or his cronies.

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