According to the Vital Statistics, Malaysia, 2021 report, which was issued today by the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the number of live births in Malaysia experiences the worst decline in a decade, with 439,744 births registered in 2021 compared to 471,504 births in 2020.
The Crude Birth Rate (CBR), according to Chief Statistician Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin, has decreased from 14.5 births per 1,000 people in 2020 to 13.5 births in 2021.
According to a statement he released today, “The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) likewise indicated a downward trend with 1.7 infants per woman of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) in 2021 compared to 1.8 babies in 2020.”
According to him, from 2011 to 2021, the TFR for all main ethnic groups—aside from Malay—showed a downward tendency. The Malay had the greatest TFR, with 2.2 births per woman, while the Chinese had the lowest, with 0.8.
Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic
According to Mohd Uzir, the Covid-19 pandemic caused a rise in mortality from 166,970 in 2020 to 57,599 in 2021, or a 34.5% increase. The CDR also showed a rise in deaths per thousand people from 5.1 in 2020 to 6.9 in 2021.
Except for those aged 0 to 14, which saw a drop from 4,288 deaths in 2020 to 4,115 deaths in 2021, other age categories saw an increase in the number of fatalities, he added.
A 44 percent rise from 36,318 deaths in 2020 to 52,282 deaths in 2021 was seen in the number of fatalities among those aged 41 to 59.
The number of fatalities for those between the ages of 15 and 40 and 60 and older has also increased, according to Mohd Uzir, from 13,070 to 17,953 and from 113,294 to 150,219 deaths, respectively.