Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 10:19 am
As is known, until now the global coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine has not been found yet and is still in a long research process. However, the Agriculture Research and Development Agency (Balitbangtan) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) said it was ready to produce an antivirus necklace that was claimed to be able to kill the virus that had infected millions of people around the world.
The corona antivirus necklace will be mass-produced in August. This essential plant (eucalyptus) based product is claimed to be a Corona antivirus and has been patented by the Balitbangtan.
“This is the result of Balitbangtan antivirus, eucalyptus, eucalyptus trees. Of the 700 species, 1 can kill Corona from our lab results and the results of this lab are for antivirus, and we are sure. Next month it will have been reproduced,” said the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo after meeting Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono at the PUPR Ministry office, Jakarta, Friday, July 3.
Syahrul revealed the use of this antivirus necklace for 15 minutes can kill 42% of Coronavirus. Meanwhile, if it takes 30 minutes it can kill 80% of Coronavirus.
In addition to the necklace, the Ministry of Agriculture has also made eucalyptus oil which is packaged in roll-on form.
“This has been tried. So this can kill if you contact 15 minutes he can kill 42% of Corona. If he is 30 minutes then he can be 80%. Here is the roll. If we get sliced, bleeding, this wound can be closed, “explained Syahrul.
On the outside of the antivirus necklace, there is a hole so that when used immediately it emits a strong eucalyptus scent. The roll-on oil applied to the mask also gives off a strong aroma.
Meanwhile, the Head of Balitbang of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fajry Jufri explained that this research was actually the result of identification through several herbal plants from herbs, such as curcuma, ginger, guava, and aetheric oils.
Then after testing the effectiveness of the active ingredients contained therein, the next step is to bring the results of the research to the laboratory. Then, after this step, this innovation can be said to be an immune product and resistant to coronavirus exposure.
In addition, the benefits of eucalyptus are relief of the respiratory tract, then eliminating mucus, repelling insects, disinfecting wounds, relieving pain reducing nausea, and preventing mouth disease.
For information, before this Ministry of Agriculture’s corona antivirus necklace, there was a similar product, the antivirus necklace from Japan. Antivirus necklaces from Japan released since early March 2020.
The ‘Virus Shut Out’ necklace also stole attention amid the Covid-19 outbreak, because it can be a personal anti-virus and anti-bacterial. This product is claimed to protect its users from pathogenic viruses for 30 days per product.
The workings of this product are releasing low concentrations of chlorine dioxide to remove germs and viruses in the surrounding air with a distance of 1-2 meters.