Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 07:57 am
The number of Filipinos found positive for COVID-19 infection while embarking on the cruise ship docked in Yokohama has risen to 11, the Foreign Affairs Department has said.
The DFA said the Filipinos who tested positive for COVID-19 were taken to different hospitals in and around the Tokyo area.
It added that among the new group of 44 men, there was no Filipino who tested positive for the virus Thursday.
The Philippine Embassy in Tokyo interacts frequently with the hospitals in the Philippines and states that they respond well to care.
The embassy, in cooperation with the Japanese government, sends care packages containing toiletries and non-medical supplies to both injured Filipinos and those remaining on board the Diamond Princess.
The DFA said Monday that the initial single case had found four more Filipinos on the cruise ship positive for COVID-19, bringing the number to five at the time.
Also on Thursday afternoon, the DFA said an embassy team visited the hospitals to speak with the doctors and social workers assigned to the Filipino patients to ensure their well-being.