At Yomiuriland (located in Inagi City, Tokyo and Kawasaki City), the beloved Giant Ferris Wheel will conclude its operation on the 13th marking the end of its 44 year history. Many visitors have come to bid farewell to this attraction.
The Giant Ferris Wheel which ends its operation on the 13th. In the background is the new Ferris Wheel “Sky-GO-LAND” which began operation last year.
The Giant Ferris Wheel has a diameter of about 60 meters with 46 four person gondolas completing one rotation in approximately 11 minutes. It started operating in April 1980. From the top, visitors could enjoy views of the Tokyo skyline and Mount Fuji. Last year in celebration of the park’s 60th anniversary, a new Ferris Wheel, “Sky-GO-LAND” was completed. It began operating in October and has been entertaining visitors as a “twin Ferris wheel” with two adjoining wheels.
“The Giant Ferris Wheel was the star of the amusement park. It has performed well without causing us any trouble,” said Eiichi Todo, a 59 year old assistant manager in the safety management department who has been responsible for its maintenance and management since joining in 2011.
In 2012, a large scale repainting was conducted and a comprehensive non-destructive inspection found no abnormalities. Daily checks ensure that there are no damages to the hydraulic tires that rotate the Ferris wheel. The gondolas are also carefully inspected for any issues with doors or windows. “If properly maintained, it responds well and operates correctly.”
Despite the careful maintenance by past staff, the gondolas lack air conditioning and are not accessible for people with disabilities making the facilities outdated. With the 60th anniversary, the decision was made to hand over operations to the new Ferris Wheel. After its final operation, the Giant Ferris Wheel will be dismantled and some of its equipment will be sold. Todo expressed, “We want to ensure safety and provide enjoyment for our customers until the end. While I’m filled with that sentiment now, I might feel sad after the dismantling.”
Since January 4, the park has been holding an event where visitors can leave messages on the gondolas. Words of farewell such as “Thank you for 44 years” and “Thank you for all the happiness” have been written along with illustrations.
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A male middle school student from Fuchu City, Tokyo, who visited on the 7th, wrote, “Thank you for everything! I will never forget you.” He shared, “I’ve ridden it many times since I was three. I feel nostalgic but I wanted to express my gratitude for the memories.”
Additionally, a panel exhibition is being held in front of the Giant Ferris Wheel until the 13th. It features stories collected in advance about the Ferris Wheel and comments from talents like Nonoka Ono, who mentioned visiting with her family multiple times.
On the final day, a farewell ceremony will take place at 8:30 PM. After speeches from the staff of the Giant Ferris Wheel, the lights illuminating it will be turned off.