Last updated on May 13th, 2021 at 05:38 am
Want to know something new? Dr. Christine Gonzalez is one of the many front-line fighters of COVID-19.
She encouraged people that we will win this battle against COVID-19 together with God’s grace. It is possible, if people will continue to take care of themselves with nourishing food and drink, get enough rest and sleep, exercise as much outside as possible under the sun, inhale steam with essential oils, improve our faith and prayers, increase compassion and concern for others in these difficult times.
Here are the preventive and treatment tips on COVID-19.
1. Prevention and control tea COVID-19: Wash 25 pcs small or 13 pcs big fresh organic turmeric root, 3 inches ginger root, 1 bulb garlic (preferably native), peeled and crushed, 25 pcs calamansi or two organic lemons, juiced.
Slice thinly or grind the turmeric and ginger, skin on.
Boil up three cups of distilled water. Remove turmeric, garlic and ginger. Turn off heat and add the calamansi.
Cover and infuse/steep for 15 minutes. Let it cool. Take 1 cup, three times a day if possible.
This drink rebuilds immunity and is the best anti-inflammatory remedy. It is proven effective for cough, cold, fever, flu-like symptoms, sore throat, etc.
2. Nutrition works to rebuild living tissues, to provide nutrition and to maintain a proper medium in which the body’s biochemical processes can occur. If the food we consume fails to perform these functions properly, then our immune system will be weakened, the body will not be able to use the bioactive components of each meal, and toxicity will occur.
In general, the food that fight viral infections and prevent the growth of disease is the same: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, spices and micro-algae. Both have essential nutrients and other substances battling pathogens (phytochemicals) that improve immune function.
3. Boiled or uncooked banana nuts, steamed sweet potatoes, or steamed / boiled cassava.
4. Stay with carbohydrates that are good, complex: black / brown rice, adlai, quinoa, root crops.
5. Season well with coconut water, lemon or calamansi purified water, cucumber, lemongrass, tarragon or peppermint teas.
6. Limit mangrove candy, local peach, jackfruit and soursop.
7. Go green: steam or juice leaves of sweet potato, moringa, malavar spinach, alugbati and other local veggies.
8. If meat cannot be avoided, limit intake but buy the high-quality kind.
9. Drink power teas: green, matcha, sencha, chamomile and ginger.
10. Use virgin coconut oil (VCO) for oil pulling which kills bacteria.
This is very helpful and timely for this season. It’s affordable and easy to prepare. Beating COVID-19 with these ingredients will surely be promising.