Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 08:16 am
As a precautionary measure to thwart the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), foreign workers be of concern to the Immigration Office in Sukabumi District in that area. That institution has summoned tens of executives and representatives of companies employing foreign workers.
The workers are mostly working in the field of textile, garment, leather and hotel industries.
“We summoned (representatives of) some 60 companies. They are engaged in textile, garment, leather and hotel industries. The summons is part of the effort to familiarize the public with the program to thwart the spread of coronavirus that foreign workers contracted with COVID-19 may carry,” Head of the Sukabumi Immigration Office Nurudin said on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
The public should be familiarized with the law and human rights minister’s regulation, namely number 3 of 2020 on the suspension of visa-free and visa-on-arrival provisions for Chinese citizens.
According to data of immigration, a total of 143 Chinese nationals are currently staying in Sukabumi District and four in Sukabumi Municipality.
Those representatives of the companies, at the meeting were briefed by the Immigration office on the suspension of visa-on-arrival for Chinese citizens.
Therefore, pursuant to article 13 of the regulation to those who have been in China in preceding 14 days or has a history of epidemiological exposure to COVID-19 are also denied entry to Indonesia.
The same goes for foreign workers, especially from China who have been in Indonesia and have overstayed their visas are not allowed to return to their country. They will have emergency permit of stay for 30 days that issued by the immigration office.
Nurdin said the Sukabumi Immigration Office so far had not issued an emergency permit of stay to Chinese citizens.