Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 07:39 am
One of South Tangerang resident is being observed in cases of infection with the COVID-19 as the person had just returned from Malaysia, This was confirmed by the acting head of South Tangerang Health Office, Deden.
Deden said authorities conducted an observation to that person that had just returned from Malaysia and had a medical record of asthma.
“We are monitoring the person because the latter has just returned from Malaysia and has a medical record of asthma. So we conduct an observation under the SOP and are consulting with Sulianti Saroso Hospital (RSPI),” said Deden, mentioning the referral hospital for coronavirus case in Jakarta, on Wednesday, March 4.
Following the SOP in handling coronavirus case, Deden said his side would run the observation for the next 14 days.
The suspected patient for the next action would likely be rushed to the city’s general hospital. “The patient returns from Malaysia since Feb. 20 as far as I know. The suggestion has been delivered to Ibu Mayor, we have observed and probably send [the patient] to South Tangerang Hospital,” Deden added.
Not only asthma, the patient also had bronchitis. Deden said, this condition would be worried to contract the novel coronavirus because of the suspect previous trip to Malaysia.
“The observation will last for the next 14 days but the patient shows improvement and no longer use oxygen. Hopefully, the patient does not contract the virus,” Deden said. In addition to, Deden added that his staffers continue informing and educating the community in light of the COVID-19. The community was asked not to get panic, and following the prevention and what to do if there is a suspected patient in the area.