
HIMNI Gives Analysis of the Emergence of Radioactive Caesium 137 in SerpongHIMNI Gives Analysis of the Emergence of Radioactive Caesium 137 in Serpong

HIMNI Gives Analysis of the Emergence of Radioactive Caesium 137 in Serpong

The shocking nuclear radiation in the Batan Indah Housing, Serpong, South Tangerang came from radioactive flakes containing the element cesium…

February 18, 2020
Decontamination operation Removes Radioactive Soil at Batan Indah housing complex TangerangDecontamination operation Removes Radioactive Soil at Batan Indah housing complex Tangerang

Decontamination operation Removes Radioactive Soil at Batan Indah housing complex Tangerang

An area in a housing complex in Serpong, South Tangerang, Banten province has become a scene, because in that place…

February 17, 2020