Bipartisan Agreement

Annuar Musa: Agreements with other Opposition parties may be made after PakatanAnnuar Musa: Agreements with other Opposition parties may be made after Pakatan

Annuar Musa: Agreements with other Opposition parties may be made after Pakatan

Tan Sri Annuar Musa, Minister of Communications and Multimedia, does not eliminate the possibility of having similar agreements with other…

September 15, 2021
Putrajaya-Pakatan MoU does not imply accepting Anwar, DAP, BersatuPutrajaya-Pakatan MoU does not imply accepting Anwar, DAP, Bersatu

Putrajaya-Pakatan MoU does not imply accepting Anwar, DAP, Bersatu

UMNO spokesman Shahril Hamdan reiterated his party's rejection of DAP and Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, citing the government…

September 15, 2021