A Call for Synergistic Cooperation for the GovernmentA Call for Synergistic Cooperation for the Government

A Call for Synergistic Cooperation for the Government

Priest of Investment/Head of the Coordinating Board of Investment (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia focused on the significance of synergistic cooperation among…

June 28, 2021
Jokowi is Amused on the Efforts of BKPM for the Investment Process in the CountryJokowi is Amused on the Efforts of BKPM for the Investment Process in the Country

Jokowi is Amused on the Efforts of BKPM for the Investment Process in the Country

Amidst the pandemic, there are 56 major companies and 196 micro, small and medium enterprises, the Investment Coordinating Board promotes…

January 19, 2021
Omnibus Bill: An expectation to Boost Foreign Investments this 2021Omnibus Bill: An expectation to Boost Foreign Investments this 2021

Omnibus Bill: An expectation to Boost Foreign Investments this 2021

Following the planned deliberation of the omnibus bill on job development this week, the government is pinning its hopes on…

October 5, 2020
Chinese and Japanese Investors Compete Tight in IndonesiaChinese and Japanese Investors Compete Tight in Indonesia

Chinese and Japanese Investors Compete Tight in Indonesia

Chinese and Japanese investors will compete to enter Indonesia in the future. This was conveyed by the Investment Committee Member…

March 3, 2020