Carlito Galvez

A Call For Permitting Restrictive Gathering During Campaign PeriodA Call For Permitting Restrictive Gathering During Campaign Period

A Call For Permitting Restrictive Gathering During Campaign Period

Philippines - Surprisingly, President Rodrigo Duterte has asked the Commission on Elections to permit restricted gatherings during the mission time…

November 11, 2021
A Challenging Goal To Achieve Herd ImmunityA Challenging Goal To Achieve Herd Immunity

A Challenging Goal To Achieve Herd Immunity

Surprisingly, The public authority is hoping to immunize 120,000 individuals against COVID-19 every day in the National Capital Region in…

May 15, 2021
A Call for Flexibility Over the Immunization Program in the Country is SignificantA Call for Flexibility Over the Immunization Program in the Country is Significant

A Call for Flexibility Over the Immunization Program in the Country is Significant

Surprisingly, following the need of the country for additional antibodies and a quicker execution of the inoculation program, official consultant…

April 24, 2021
Public authority should not be considered answerable – DutertePublic authority should not be considered answerable – Duterte

Public authority should not be considered answerable – Duterte

President Rodrigo Duterte said the public authority should not be considered answerable for unfavorable occasions that may emerge from COVID-19…

March 23, 2021
Surprisingly, AstraZeneca Withdraw it’s Schedule to PhilippinesSurprisingly, AstraZeneca Withdraw it’s Schedule to Philippines

Surprisingly, AstraZeneca Withdraw it’s Schedule to Philippines

One of the options Philippines have just updates the country on it’s withdrawal schedule for vaccine. In view of this,…

December 12, 2020