Chinese workers

Chaos on demonstration to reject 500 Chinese workers in Kendari, police fire tear gasChaos on demonstration to reject 500 Chinese workers in Kendari, police fire tear gas

Chaos on demonstration to reject 500 Chinese workers in Kendari, police fire tear gas

Demonstrations against the arrival of 500 foreign workers from China who will work at PT VDNI and PT OSS in…

June 24, 2020
Chinese workers have entry permit, Ombudsman slams Govt for allowing themChinese workers have entry permit, Ombudsman slams Govt for allowing them

Chinese workers have entry permit, Ombudsman slams Govt for allowing them

The government was blasted for permitting the entry of Chinese nationals to Indonesia amid the coronavirus crisis. This was strongly…

March 17, 2020
Precaution of coronavirus, Sukabumi Immigration Summons Companies that have Foreign WorkersPrecaution of coronavirus, Sukabumi Immigration Summons Companies that have Foreign Workers

Precaution of coronavirus, Sukabumi Immigration Summons Companies that have Foreign Workers

As a precautionary measure to thwart the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), foreign workers be of concern to the Immigration Office…

February 19, 2020
Quarantine is Carried Out on Five Chinese Workers in North SumatraQuarantine is Carried Out on Five Chinese Workers in North Sumatra

Quarantine is Carried Out on Five Chinese Workers in North Sumatra

A local health official said on Friday that Indonesian authorities have put five Chinese nationals under a two-week quarantine in…

February 8, 2020