Clinical trial

Merah Putin Vaccine’s Progress is Quite PromisingMerah Putin Vaccine’s Progress is Quite Promising

Merah Putin Vaccine’s Progress is Quite Promising

Indonesia - The main analyst of the Merah Putih Vaccine clinical preliminary at Airlangga University, (Unair) Surabaya, Dr. Dominicus Husada,…

May 22, 2022
Merah Putih Vaccine Is On The RoadMerah Putih Vaccine Is On The Road

Merah Putih Vaccine Is On The Road

Indonesia - The main stage clinical preliminary of the locally delivered Merah Putih antibody is an immense jump for free…

February 18, 2022
Surprisingly, Sinovac Has Completed it’s Clinical Trials in the PhilippinesSurprisingly, Sinovac Has Completed it’s Clinical Trials in the Philippines

Surprisingly, Sinovac Has Completed it’s Clinical Trials in the Philippines

The controversial and on the hot spot Sinovac of China has obtained permission for its coronavirus vaccine to hold clinical…

January 19, 2021
The Good Advancement for the Preparation of COVID-19 for IndonesiaThe Good Advancement for the Preparation of COVID-19 for Indonesia

The Good Advancement for the Preparation of COVID-19 for Indonesia

Indonesia has sought a report from Brazil, where a similar study is going smoothly in terms of the sluggish advancement…

December 28, 2020
China’s Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine cleared for Philippines clinical trialsChina’s Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine cleared for Philippines clinical trials

China’s Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine cleared for Philippines clinical trials

METRO MANILA - One of China's candidate vaccine for COVID-19 has been cleared by the country for Phase 3 clinical…

October 16, 2020
COVID-19 vaccine in Philippines by 2021, says FDACOVID-19 vaccine in Philippines by 2021, says FDA

COVID-19 vaccine in Philippines by 2021, says FDA

METRO MANILA - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has assured the public that before the vaccine be made available,…

September 26, 2020