Datuk Lokman Noor Adam

The Shariah chief judge has filed an RM30 million defamation action against Lokman AdamThe Shariah chief judge has filed an RM30 million defamation action against Lokman Adam

The Shariah chief judge has filed an RM30 million defamation action against Lokman Adam

Malaysia - Yesterday, Chief Syarie Judge Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar has filed a defamation action totaling to RM30 million against…

January 20, 2022
High court judge’s decision in Lokman’s hearing to be delivered on June 15High court judge’s decision in Lokman’s hearing to be delivered on June 15

High court judge’s decision in Lokman’s hearing to be delivered on June 15

According to Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram, the former UMNO member Datuk Lokman Noor Adam should be found guilty of…

May 19, 2021