Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang

Abdul Hadi was re-elected president of the PAS without opposition.Abdul Hadi was re-elected president of the PAS without opposition.

Abdul Hadi was re-elected president of the PAS without opposition.

Malaysia - Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang was re-elected unanimously as PAS president for the 2021-2023 term during the 67th…

November 5, 2021
PAS President Hadi suspends GE15 seat allocation discussion with UMNO saying the only negotiations are with BERSATUPAS President Hadi suspends GE15 seat allocation discussion with UMNO saying the only negotiations are with BERSATU

PAS President Hadi suspends GE15 seat allocation discussion with UMNO saying the only negotiations are with BERSATU

Seat talks with UMNO for the GE15 was put on hold but ongoing with BERSATU, according to PAS. PAS president…

April 10, 2021