
Alleged COVID-19 cash aid corruption, mafias on medical equipment importsAlleged COVID-19 cash aid corruption, mafias on medical equipment imports

Alleged COVID-19 cash aid corruption, mafias on medical equipment imports

There is an alleged corruption on the government’s COVID-19 aid that was distributed to residents directly affected by the pandemic.…

April 20, 2020
Social assistance and soup kitchen for affected families during large-scale social restrictionsSocial assistance and soup kitchen for affected families during large-scale social restrictions

Social assistance and soup kitchen for affected families during large-scale social restrictions

Cash assistance in Riau Province Social assistance will be provided to families that affected by outbreak of the novel coronavirus…

April 17, 2020
PSBB: KRL suspension decision, warning letter for driversPSBB: KRL suspension decision, warning letter for drivers

PSBB: KRL suspension decision, warning letter for drivers

Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi have implemented the enforcement of the large-scale social restrictions or PSBB. There is a plan…

April 16, 2020