Eid homecoming

Scenarios of Govt for ‘mudik’ and to remind private sector for ‘THR’Scenarios of Govt for ‘mudik’ and to remind private sector for ‘THR’

Scenarios of Govt for ‘mudik’ and to remind private sector for ‘THR’

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and his ranks are preparing scenarios to prevent people from embarking on eid homecoming or ‘mudik’,…

April 2, 2020
Ministry of Transportation: Many People Start Eid Homecoming Early, ODP Corona IncreasesMinistry of Transportation: Many People Start Eid Homecoming Early, ODP Corona Increases

Ministry of Transportation: Many People Start Eid Homecoming Early, ODP Corona Increases

Ramadhan has not started yet and the government is planning to ban eid homecoming due to coronavirus. Transportation Ministry spokeswoman…

March 27, 2020
Eid this year, Govt Likely to Ban Eid Homecoming during Covid-19 EmergencyEid this year, Govt Likely to Ban Eid Homecoming during Covid-19 Emergency

Eid this year, Govt Likely to Ban Eid Homecoming during Covid-19 Emergency

Eid homecoming (mudik) trips is very common for Indonesian citizens after spending one month Ramadhan fasting. They usually get long…

March 21, 2020