Eidul Fitr

Covid-19 social assistance: transparency, target, and request to replace with cashCovid-19 social assistance: transparency, target, and request to replace with cash

Covid-19 social assistance: transparency, target, and request to replace with cash

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said there were still asynchronous data related to social assistance (social assistance) during the coronavirus pandemic.…

May 19, 2020
Social security net for creative industry workers, and Labor Union’s laments to Eid allowance payment delaySocial security net for creative industry workers, and Labor Union’s laments to Eid allowance payment delay

Social security net for creative industry workers, and Labor Union’s laments to Eid allowance payment delay

The Ministry of Education and Culture is preparing at least three countermeasure policies to aid workers in the creative industry…

April 28, 2020
Towards Eidul Fitr 2020 in Covid-19 pandemic, President Jokowi bans ‘mudik’ to curb outbreakTowards Eidul Fitr 2020 in Covid-19 pandemic, President Jokowi bans ‘mudik’ to curb outbreak

Towards Eidul Fitr 2020 in Covid-19 pandemic, President Jokowi bans ‘mudik’ to curb outbreak

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has finally decided and officially barred - after much criticism - all citizens from traveling to…

April 21, 2020
Scenarios of Govt for ‘mudik’ and to remind private sector for ‘THR’Scenarios of Govt for ‘mudik’ and to remind private sector for ‘THR’

Scenarios of Govt for ‘mudik’ and to remind private sector for ‘THR’

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and his ranks are preparing scenarios to prevent people from embarking on eid homecoming or ‘mudik’,…

April 2, 2020