Homecoming ban

In the midst of homecoming ban, Minister of Transportation reopens all transportation modesIn the midst of homecoming ban, Minister of Transportation reopens all transportation modes

In the midst of homecoming ban, Minister of Transportation reopens all transportation modes

The government has decided on a ban on homecoming or 'mudik' during the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of…

May 6, 2020
Governor Anies decides to extend PSBB, no trains to leave JakartaGovernor Anies decides to extend PSBB, no trains to leave Jakarta

Governor Anies decides to extend PSBB, no trains to leave Jakarta

Following the central government imposes a ban against homecoming traveling, or called "mudik", state-owned railway operator PT KAI overseeing the…

April 23, 2020
Strict rules of social restrictions and homecoming ban, inappropriate pandemic handling on other thingsStrict rules of social restrictions and homecoming ban, inappropriate pandemic handling on other things

Strict rules of social restrictions and homecoming ban, inappropriate pandemic handling on other things

After Regulation of the Minister of Health (PMK) No. 9 of 2020 concerning the Guidelines for Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB)…

April 22, 2020